Hypno-CBT® sessions, online or in-person in Edinburgh

There are numerous and assorted methodologies used in hypnotherapy however, it has always been important to me to have a focus primarily on an evidence-based practice. This means that I do not use methods that do not have a satisfactory evidence for their efficacy. All methods used in my Hypno-CBT® work are established, peer-reviewed interventions that are approved by the British Psychological Society, (BPS) . GHR & CNHC Reg

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy works on creating more freedom in your life, looking at reducing stress, anxiety, phobias, bad habits. It has also been proven to help in finding more mindfulness, or in helping those who wish to build self confidence. Through meditation and self-hypnosis techniques, our CBT methods incite fundamental changes in your life, improving your cognitive and psychological flexibilities and resilience. Whatever may be holding you back in life, our leading Hypno-CBT® methods will help you to uncover and overcome.

Contact me for a FREE phone consultation on +44 79 22 888 139 or use our Contact form to start your journey of self-development today.

Anxiety. Phobia. Bad habits. Social anxiety. Depression. Insomnia. Stress.… are just a few of prisons that we often feel life has placed us in, when in reality they are constructed by our own minds. All of the power you will ever need to change your life is within you; a lesson I had to learn by experience. The benefits of breaking free of these cycles are endless, and the rewards will be felt for a lifetime. Everyone’s journey is unique, our strengths and weaknesses are our own.

Using hypnotherapy / hypnosis in combination with CBT to work on creating freedom in your life from anxiety, phobias, habits, social anxiety, stress, increases the chances of lasting change.

What is Hypno CBT?

Hypno-CBT® draws on the power of your imagination to assist you in finding solutions to your own problems. Resilience and psychological flexibility are a necessity if we want to maintain good mental health, especially with the way the world is changing these days.

It’s not just about dealing with your current issues, it’s about empowering you to bring about fundamental changes in your life, preparing you to be able to deal with future hurdles.  

Our evidence based techniques include:

- Relaxation, through which we learn to reduce the chances of experiencing otherwise debilitating anxiety.

- Self Hypnosis, with which we can begin to reframe our patterns of thinking to centre on more positive frameworks.

- Problem solving exercises, which help us learn the necessary skills to overcome problems and bolster our resilience.

- Assertiveness training, which is a fundamental life skill for anyone hoping to achieve success, satisfaction or mastery of the self.

- Habit Reversal, which is the best means of working through detrimental habits by way of hypnosis, self-knowledge and psychology.

- Cognitive-defusion, Techniques used to create distance from thought patterns.

All of this is achievable with Hypno-CBT®, and understanding that you already have the power within you to achieve your goals and make the positive changes you desire marks the start of the healing process.


Stress & Wellbeing

Habit Reversal


Hypnotherapy / CBT